Smart Displays
Chaperone is proud to deliver our next chapter. A revolutionary development to out-of-home experiences with interactive, engaging and personalised smart displays.
Personalised, seamless user interaction
Whether your users are shopping, exploring or sightseeing, we deliver unique, convenient and immersive out-of-home experiences to provide a memorable experience. With triggers such as proximity and scanning, Chaperone can integrate capability into smart screens, creating local ecosystems where the screens can understand and react to your audience. Delivering tailored messaging and content to meet their interests. From shopping to theme parks, resorts to arenas, smart displays can renovate your offering.
Deliver personalised experiences
Smart Displays enhances the experience of your visitors and provides significant insights for businesses. Provide your visitors with information and content that is unique to them providing a journey unlike any other.
Everything a user needs, in one place
Less is more. Alleviate user headaches by utilising Chaperone’s context aware capability which allows multiple ‘apps’ to coincide on the same platform, automatically switching between them based on the user’s location, time-of-day or personal preferences. No need for multiple apps when you have everything you need ahead of your visit, in one place.
Direct visitor communication & Dashboards
With personalised communication, users can benefit by receiving tailored offers, relevant content and much more. Providing this, enables businesses to gather valuable insights and data in user habits. This data can be used to continuously improve offerings and identify areas for improvement.